Affogato - Espresso with Ice Cream

Hey everyone! I hope you’re having a great summer so far. This one is inspired by a surprise dessert option I had at a local restaurant. The word affogato literally translates from Italian to ‘drowned’. A fresh scoop of vanilla gelato is immediately given to you right after a shot of espresso is poured on top. This is such a good cap to a big filling meal. Plus you get coffee, too!

Ingredients for Affogato


The ingredients are straightforward! If you have a stovetop espresso maker like the one pictured, that would be best to use. Otherwise, source some strong brewed or instant coffee. You don’t have to use vanilla ice cream if you don’t want it. I’ve used dairy-free coconut and caramel chocolate swirl. Both are amazing options.

  • Freshly brewed espresso

  • Vanilla ice cream

Scoop Portions Before Pouring


Depending on how many servings you are doing, I like to do one or two scoops in a nice glass bowl. Feel free to put this in small mugs too. I keep them in the freezer until the coffee is hot and ready to serve.

Serving Affogato

I love when the guests get to pour the coffee over the ice cream themselves. Otherwise pour a small amount of coffee right before giving them out.

Affogato – Espresso with Ice Cream

Prep Time 5 mins

Course Dessert

Cuisine Italian

Servings 4 servings


  • Espresso maker or coffee maker


  • 4 scoops vanilla ice cream (keto, dairy free, any you wish!)

  • 4 shots espresso or 1/4 cup strong brewed coffee per serving


  • Scoop individual scoops of ice cream into individual glass bowls, cups or small coffee cups. Place in the freezer.

  • Meanwhile, make espresso shots or strong brewed coffee.

  • When ready to serve, remove ice cream from freezer and give each person their cup of ice cream and a shot of espresso on the side. Instruct them to pour the espresso over their ice cream.